New Eating Aid For Parkinson’s To Launch Soon

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Our new eating aid for Parkinson’s will be launching soon! There are many assistive devices available to help with tremor activity at mealtime. The most common strategy is to try weighted utensils. While these work well for some people they are not always successful in preventing spills particularly with soup or cereal. In one of our previous Blogs we describe a research article that examined the effectiveness of weighted utensils.

Our new assistive eating aid for Parkinson’s and Essential Tremor provides a unique solution to tremor activity at mealtime. Chillspill clamps to tables and either traps spilled food or routes it back into the plate or bowl.

Eating device for Parkinson's
Eating Aid for Parkinson’s

Using this strategy food that is spilled from the fork or spoon becomes available to rescoop and eat. This can be important as there is often a decrease in nutritional intake associated with Parkinson’s Disease.

The Chillspill also has an additional feature that can reduce tremor activity during plate to mouth movements. The left and right sides of the Chillspill provide a supporting surface. The user can slide his or her hand along this supporting surface to reduce tremor activity.

The top edge of the Chillspill can also be used to scoop food that is kept in the Chillspill.

In summary, using the Chillspill, our new eating aid for Parkinson’s individuals with tremor activity or other coordination difficulties will not find that food ends up on the table, the floor or on the user’s clothing.

Chill Spill Logo

Thanks for visiting today! We also invite you to visit our Adaptive Eating Aids Guide where you will find lots of good information about assistive eating devices. We also invite you to contact us at your convenience. Chillspill should be available soon in our secure Adaptive Eating Aids Shop.

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