Stress and Essential Tremor

If you are a regular reader of our Blogs you know that we are all about topics that are related to strategies for increasing independence at mealtime for individuals who experience weakness, movement limitations or tremor activity at mealtime. In this Blog we will discuss Stress and Essential Tremor and how it relates to functional ability with dining.

I often browse the internet for information related to these topics and recently came across an interesting post from the Cleveland Clinic about Stress and Essential Tremor and how stress can increase tremor activity during utensil use as well as other activities such as writing and drinking. The url for this post is:

Kristen Appleby MD, a neurologist with experience in Essential Tremor was interviewed for the article. Dr. Appleby recommends that individuals with Essential Tremor find activities that help “Destress” and practice them frequently. Dr. Appleby also states: “While completely avoiding stress is impossible it is important to take steps to try to decrease it. Reducing stress lowers the impact that tremors have in your life.”

Chill Spill Logo

This statement supports the rationale for the new product we are developing: ChillSpilltm patent pending.

ChillSpill is expected to launch later this year or early in 2022. ChillSpill helps improve functional ability for individuals with Essential Tremor or other motor control difficulties at mealtime in three ways.

  1. The trough section of ChillSpill catches any solids, liquids or semiliquids that may be spilled from the fork or spoon during plate to mouth movement. Solids will remain in the trough section where they can be reobtained. Liquids or semi liquids will move down the trough and back into the plate or bowl.
  2. The left and right edges of ChillSpill provide a surface that the wrist/forearm can slide on during plate to mouth movement. (not shown in the prototype photo) This provides support and tremor control.
  3. To Dr. Appleby’s point, not worrying about food being spilled on clothes or the floor reduces the stress/anxiety experienced at mealtime. Less stress results in less tremors: ie. more Chill = less Spill! A photo of the ChillSpill prototype is below.
Adaptive Eating Aid For Tremor Activity
Eating Aid for Tremor Activity

Thanks for visiting today! As we mentioned above, you will find lots of information about assistive dining on this site including an Adaptive Eating Aids Guide. We invite you to visit our Adaptive Eating Aids Shop. We also invite you to contact us at your convenience.

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